With Confidence

I wrote this in my notes way back in July of 2019 and rediscovered it just this week. I’m posting it now as a mantra and a reminder of myself as I continue through the rest of 2020!!! I want to be more grateful and have respect for myself, my body and my life:) 

July 14: These past few months, I have been working to improve myself and the biggest reward I have received is the grace and gift of confidence. I have become more in love with my body. Every curve, freckle and flaw on my skin, my textured and red hair. I have loved watching my body catch the rays of the sun and add color to my skin tone. I have dressed my long legs that make up the greatest percentage of my height to be one of my greatest features. I have learned that my favorite look, when I feel most beautiful and sexy, is my fresh face in the morning, untouched by the day’s worth of makeup, with my dirty, textured natural hair, unstyled, unclean. The days when I can lounge around in an oversized t-shirt, with messy hair, no makeup, and a few good cups of coffee. The days when I put on a black slip dress and heels, with curled hair, and red lips. The days where I say I love me and the miraculous things my body can do. How lovely it is that some days my body feels so motivated to get up and go to the gym and the others where my body craves a batch of brownies. How miraculous that there are days where I’m at the top of my game and others where my body will tell me to cut back, take a break, and heal itself. 

I am the person I am. The woman too shy to approach someone and the woman who inserts herself into people’s lives. The woman who loves country music after years of being the woman saying she hates it. The woman who has to say no sometimes. The woman who is more willing to say yes and try a new experience. I have been learning to live with more confidence and be both and all of what I am. 

Also, on a completely different note, With Confidence, the band, has a great song called Sing to Me and I listened to it on repeat today!
