To Phone or Not To Phone

So, I’m conflicted.

Right now the world is really sorta bothering me. There are times where all I want to do is throw my phone right out the window. Everything I see is so negative and the stories I am hearing really get my goat. It seems that just day after day there is something new and I just can’t catch a break. All I really want is to go on a vacation to a place where I have absolutely no service and can disconnect from my phone. I could totally also just delete all my social media apps to block me from the world.

But the problem with this is that I want/need this social media and connection to the world to keep myself informed. I find now more than ever it’s important to be an educated citizen and know your stuff. That way you can be in the know and be able to have the facts to stand for what you believe in. But side note: be careful what you trust because in this day and age, “fake news” and “alternative facts” are things.

I’m just frustrated and confused and tired. That is all.
