The Idea of Spontaneity

The idea of spontaneity has been on my mind a lot recently.

The concept is a hard one for me to usually grasp. I am such a planner, organizer, and all around routine person.
I like things done a certain way and I like to know in advance if things plan to change.
But life has been throwing spontaneity at me as of recently and it’s hard for me to adjust. But every time it does, a lesson is learned and it often works for the better, the way it was supposed to.
Take last weekend for example. A couple of my friends came over to my apartment late on Friday night with the intention of meeting my roommate’s dog who was spending the weekend at our place. But when the dog wasn’t there, they decided to stay which led to us all sitting around and chatting, which led to them telling me they were going to Disneyland the next day, which led to them inviting me, which led to me deciding to go lol:) I bet you figured that part out.
I threw any subconscious plans I had made for Saturday to the wind along with my love of planning and ended up waking up at 6am to leave super early for a day at Disney. We got into the park right at 8 when it opened and ended up doing all of Disneyland by lunch before heading over to the other park. It was surprisingly not that busy for a Saturday and I’ve never been able to walk right on to that many rides. I love Disney so much and I go quite often but this trip was so so much fun and so not intentional! I loved being able to spend a day at Disney with my friends, especially since I haven’t been able to hang out with them as much this semester. It was such a spontaneous fun adventure!
But after this spontaneous outing, life threw a curveball and hit the LMU community pretty hard with a loss. The week following was a bit numb and strange for me, but it reminded me again of my spontaneous adventure and the importance of spontaneity as a whole. Life is so short and it can’t always be so planned. You can never anticipate anything happening but what you can have is a group of friends that are supportive, loving, and fun that will take you on adventures and share life with you through the good and the bad.
I can routinely have friends to lean on and learn from. I can organize my day as best I can so that I have some free time to do whatever life throws my way. I can plan to not plan anything one day so that adventures like Disneyland can randomly come about. I can be spontaneous because spontaneity is good. And that is the idea on which I hope to keep improving.