Looking Back and Moving Forward

2016 was one hell of a year. Many will have their opinions on whether it was the worst or the best year. For me personally, I accomplished some amazing things, thus making my 2016 pretty great. Here’s a list of things I did/things that made 2016 so fantastic:

  • participated in my first/last/only high school musical (we did a production of Mary Poppins)
  • graduated high school
  • took a trip to NYC with Parents
  • went to Europe for 3 weeks and checked Greece off my bucket list
  • went to Lollapalooza with a group of my friends
  • visited my great aunt and uncle for the first time in 8 years in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
  • got my first tattoo
  • started college at Loyola Marymount University
  • hiked the Hollywood Sign
  • visited my best friend in Austin, Texas
  • made the most amazing new friends at college
  • conquered my fear of Haunted Houses
  • voted in my first election
  • cut 6 inches off my hair which is the most I’ve ever done
  • pulled off the ultimate surprise for one of my best friends coming home early for winter break

So yes, I did a lot of crazy stuff and this isn’t even everything. I don’t say 2016 was the worst year because I was able to do all of this. I realize, though, that this list consists mostly, if not only, of things I personally did. When I compiled my list of things that made 2016 the worst year the list mainly had things that affected the world at large. Does this make me sound selfish? Maybe. But I try to look at the positives that life provides. So if you want to call 2016 the worst year that’s fine. But then, be grateful for how bad the year was because that means you can only go up and in comparison to 2016, 2017 will be an amazing, incredible, awesome, wonderful, blissful, delightful year!!!!!
In the second section of this post, I want to share my New Year’s goals. I don’t say resolutions because I am a firm believer that you can change yourself and set a goal at any point in the year but I find that the start of the year is just a good place to begin them.
I developed 3 New Year’s goals for myself this 2017.

  1. Start this blog. ~ For a while now, I’ve wanted to start a blog so that I have a space to share my ideas and thoughts that run around in my head and turn them into words. I don’t care necessarily how many people actually read this but I more so care about gaining the experience and having a space to release and express myself.
  2. Get my body toned. ~ In order to do this I want to make little changes. Choosing the healthier options, not snack as much, take the stairs as much as possible, etc. I also have decided to try being a vegetarian with a small goal of until spring break and then seeing where I go from there. I have no issues with meat or animals or anything of that sort. I want to try it more so because financially it’s easier and also I’m in college…..can’t always trust that meat 😉
  3. Become better at photography and videography. ~ I’ve had a nice DSLR camera for a few years now but this year I want to teach myself more about the equipment and improve the quality of my work. I hope to share some of my work on this blog as much as possible.

Over the course of the year, I hope and know that I will create more goals because constant change and improvement are good for oneself. But for now, I am off to a great start. Can’t wait for what 2017 will bring! Cheers!!!!!
