It’s Not 4 Years, It’s 4 Life

So let me just start by saying I am really, really happy. This past weekend was sorority recruitment weekend at LMU and it was beyond crazy. The weather was, to say the least, undesirable as it was windy and raining. One can only picture the scene—all these girls walking around campus with their hair and makeup done to perfection, their best dress on, with heels in hand, sneakers on, rain coats and umbrellas. As if the limited sleep and pile of homework to do later weren’t enough.

But despite it all, this weekend led me to an organization that will be my home for the next 4 years and, even then, 4 life. I am now a Delta Zeta girl!!! All weekend long I kept coming back to DZ with such a smile because every girl I was able to talk to was so sweet and I was able to have real, genuine conversation with. Their big hearts and smiles were outstanding and the philanthropic work they do is so inspiring. I am beyond excited to begin being apart of this incredible group of girls.

All weekend long I feel I was pretty lucky with how the process worked out for me. We began on Friday, visiting all 7 sororities for about 20-30 minutes each. After that day, we picked our top 5 from the day, hoping to return back to those ones the next day. On day two, I received my card telling me which sororities I had been called back to and was delighted. Going in to the weekend I was very open minded and remained as such, but of course in the back of my mind I had my top two in mind, DZ being one of those. So flipping over the card and seeing both of those two as two of the five, I was very happy. Surprisingly though, the two sororities that I had actually dropped after Friday called me back on Saturday, so I went back to both of them and one I ended up liking better the second time, the other—I solidified that I knew it just wasn’t for me. Then after Saturday, where we sat down again with 5 sororities for about 45 minutes each and heard more about their philanthropies, we wrote down our top two. Finally came Preference Day. I was so nervous that morning, not only because it was pouring down rain and the thought of having to walk around in puddles with my nicest dress on wasn’t exactly appealing, but because I was hoping that my top two were the ones I would get called back to for that day. Once I flipped over my card, all the nerves went away. I had the biggest smile on my face. I think I even muttered something along the lines of “my f*ing God”. Whoops. I really had lucked out. But I tried not to show my excitement too much because I was in a room with a bunch of other girls who might not necessarily have received the same wonderful news as I had so I had to be respectful. I had gotten called back to my exact top two. This was such a good feeling because this meant that someone from these sororities that I had talked to preferred me to come back, sit down with them for a full hour and get to talk to them one final time convincing one another that this was the sorority for us. When all this was done, I went and signed a form known as the MRABA. Basically this form signs your life away. It says that you will either accept the bid you receive the next day and commit to them, or you won’t accept it but you can’t rush again for another year. So ya, basically like signing your life away. I also had to finally put down my top choice. Both sororities were equal in my hearts, so it was very hard for me to choose which one to write down over the other, but I finally made my choice thinking no matter what, I would be getting a bid the next day and whichever one it’s from, I would be happy. Come Monday and it’s back to classes with an extra added feeling of stress because that night would be the night that would change my life forever. 5:30 finally rolled around and me and my friends went to get our bid cards. Sitting down across from my recruitment counselors, staring at this envelope that held my future was super daunting. But as soon as I opened it up, I was elated. DELTA ZETA!!!!!

The night ended with a fabulously, fun party where I got to meet so many of my new sisters while eating sweets and dancing up a storm and pool of sweat. It also included getting 5 out of about a hundred shirts that are to be gained being apart of Greek Life. The whole experience was so, so crazy and now I am apart of something that literally is for life. Until the day I die, I will be apart of the Delta Zeta sorority. What I just entered myself into is a life long commitment which is crazy to wrap my head around. But I’m so excited for what is to come!!! DZLAM❤️️🐢
