I am

I am a student.

I am a daughter.

I am a sister.

I am a granddaughter.

I am a contributor to my school, my society.

I am a Democrat.

I am a voter.

I am a friend.

I am a woman.

I am a roommate.

I am a sorority woman.

I am a shoulder to cry on.

I am an organizer.

I am a volunteer.

I am an employee.

I am a leader.

I am an intern.

I am a dancer.

I am a child of God.

I am wounded.

I am weird.

I am strong.

I am proud.

I am worthy.

I am sad.

I am happy.

I am expressive.

I am stuck.

I am lost.

I am tired.

I am disconnected.

I am busy.

I am focused.

I am white.

I am straight.

I am angry, frustrated, confused.

I am faithful.

I am loved and give love.

I am a lot of things.

I am Emily.


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