God​ is good.

*This story is from July 5, 2019. I was going back through my notes app on my phone and found this note. It’s short and sweet, but worth a share. Reading it was a reminder that God is good and does everything in His own timing. Enjoy!*

God had a crazy plan for us today at Disney. The day started off a little rough with just a few, small, frustrating incidents that collectively built up to lower the whole mood. Most of which were things that just kept happening to slow us down when we were trying to make the most of our one day at Disney and get everything done.

  • there was a weird situation that happened when we were first parking
  • my family got in the wrong back check line as it was very long and very slow-moving
  • there was a confrontational incident on the tram ride to the park
  • there was a super long wait time at the new Star Wars ride
  • it took forever to try to find a bathroom at one point
  • people in my family were being very indecisive about what to do and where to go
But when we were in line for Star Wars, I said to my family, “God must have a plan. He’s having us slow down. He’s going to do something for us.”
The rest of our day went pretty well. We rode some more rides, hopped back and forth between the parks, used our fast passes, ate our meals, whatever. Then we left the parks around 7:45pm to get shakes in Downtown Disney at the place I’d been dying to try. We ate our ice cream and then at that point decided not to stick around until the firework show because we were all really tired, even though we’d been holding out through the day to watch them. But, we timed it perfect. Just as we were finishing up, still sitting, another earthquake hit LA, (one had already happened the day prior on July 4)  and this one we felt unlike the last one. It lasted maybe 7 seconds and once we’d collected ourselves, we left. Easily managed to get to our car and on to the road with little traffic. Disneyland closed after that and I can’t imagine what the crowds and disappointment looked like. But we had just barely missed it and got home safe and sound.
Literally, we were able to do our entire day, everything we wanted from the foods we wanted to eat, places we wanted to shop, and rides we wanted to ride after our slow start in the morning. And then just because we decided to call it early and skip the fireworks, we were able to finish our day at Disney without the chaos of leaving the park post-everything shutting down. We were slowed down because we needed to be where we were, when we were, and not mess up the plan. Ultimately, because we were right where we needed to be, at the point we needed to be there (in Downtown Disney), we were able to return home and leave the park in a much easier fashion than how we had first arrived that morning.
God is good.