

Welcome to my website, the space I use to talk about anything and everything. I have lots of ideas and thoughts swirling around in this brain of mine and so as a New Year’s goal for 2017, I decided to create a platform to freely put these thoughts into words. Now, here we are in 2020 and we made it three years!! Woohoo!

I am Kansas City raised and resident (for now). I recently graduated from Loyola Marymount University where I majored in communication studies with a minor in women’s & gender studies. I was a member of Delta Zeta where I served as the Vice President of Membership, involved in Greek Light, a bible study group for Greek life students, worked as a Tour Guide for the campus, and very active in my Campus Ministry.

Faith is very important to me. My journey has been one of ups and downs, bumps, and bruises and I frequently talk about my faith in my posts (see Savor the World, not Save it, and Begin Again). Family is another big one for me. The greatest thing I will ever be is a sister (see To Live as To Live For). I have two younger siblings, a sister, and brother, who I absolutely adore as well as an older brother who passed away when I was 17. My parents are incredible, strong human beings that have helped shape me into the woman I am today. I am constantly in awe of their accomplishments and their love for their family. Also, I have a dog, Toby, who is probably the cutest animal on this planet (but I’m biased).

I love beets, Jesus, the smell of freshly cut grass, Mexican food, and Tarzan. One thing I hate–the smell of citrus. Don’t EVER ask me to open up an orange for you. I cannot stand the smell. But they taste just fine:) I’m an ESFJ, a Cancer, and a Type 2w3 on the enneagram. My love language is acts of service, but the love I give best is gift giving!

My life is quite fulfilling. I’m a pretty lucky woman for the outstanding opportunities and joy I’ve been given. But at the end of the day, it’s not what the world brings to you, it’s what you bring to it!

I hope you enjoy this space!

Be we;rd and much love,
