A Picnic with the Lavender

So my friend Rylie and I have been wanting to take a trip to a lavender field/farm since last summer but didn’t make it in time before we both left KC so this past week we finally made it happen. Rylie packed up a beautiful picnic basket with lots of fruit and a delicious tofu-based vegetable quiche plus some of my favorite Herbert’s strawberry lemonade and we hit the highway. We drove out to Washington Creek Lavender Farm in Lawrence, Kansas and enjoyed some classic Kansas landscapes and dirt roads. Once we arrived, we pulled up the dirt road path to find we were the only ones there, minus the owners, so we had this whole gorgeous place to ourselves. The lavender just hit its peak of harvest so some of the patches had already been cleared out but there were still plenty of rows of lavender upon lavender. We ventured around the owners’ cute little gift shop that had tons of lavender sachets and soaps before setting up shop outside near the patches. We began to indulge in our brunch while of course taking lots of pics along the way when one of the workers finally approached us. She told us a little about the farm stating how there were over 6,000 lavender plants on their farm and then some. We met the other owner and explored around the farm. The workers were so so sweet and the farm was beyond beautiful. It was well worth the drive out to see the place and we really lucked out with some beautiful weather on the day we went which made the place even more beautiful. Highly recommend!!!!
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inside the gift shop


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inside the gift shop (the radio was working too!)

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our delicious brunch!!!


the lavender smelled so good!!!!


freshly cut lavender bundles


here I am slurping the juice out of my grapefruit :p


a little corny



