
About a month ago, I got the opportunity to travel with my family to Turks and Caicos for spring break. This was probably the last spring break I had where I got to spend it with my whole family as my sister starts University in the fall and next year her, me, and my brother will all have different spring breaks and then the following year I will have graduated and the real world with no spring break will be upon me. So I really wanted to take advantage of us all three having the same week off this year and go vacay with my family, especially since I’m also still coming off a semester spent away from them in another country. I had had one hell of a semester leading up to this spring break with classes, my sorority, being on Executive Boards, working a job on campus, and other things of life. I earned this spring break and knew how much I deserved it. So while we were in Turks for the week, I didn’t turn my cellular service on and only have wifi connection at the hotel we stayed out. This really allowed me to disconnect for the time being and be in the moment, enjoying paradise.

Paradise- a place of exceptional happiness and delight. My phone is not happiness. My phone is a tool for my life but it is not a place of delight. Turks and Caicos is a paradise. And I really felt that for the week when I was with my family, relaxing, enjoying tropical weather, being happy, and not checking my phone.

So here’s a short 1-minute clip of my time spent in Turks and Caicos. This brings me happiness. This video is a paradise.

Turks and Caicos
