7 Quotes I Love

Today I’m sharing some quotes that I love that I have collected in my notes app on my phone over the years:) short and sweet, so enjoy!

  1. “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten we belong to each other” -Mother Teresa

This one I have shared about before on my blog but I first read this quote when I was on my immersion trip to the Dominican Republic and Haiti my freshman year of college and ever since it has spoken to me. It reminds me how we are all connected on this planet, from every plant to person, to animal, to object and it is together that we are better. If humanity can understand these ties, a greater world of peace can be enjoyed. 

  1. “It is not what the world brings to you, it is what you bring to it” – Anne with an E

I heard this one literally last night when I was finishing season 2 of the Netflix show Anne with an E (side note: it’s so good). It’s pretty self-explanatory and I love it purely for the fact that it is an acknowledgment of how special each individual creation on this earth really is. 

  1. “We must savor the world, not save it.” -Father Mario

Again, this is a quote I have shared before and heard when I was traveling through the Dominican. It speaks measures to how we should live our lives with and for others, particularly those of other nations. The world is to be treasured and within the brokenness of some communities, in particular, there is beauty that can be savored rather than thought to be fixed or saved. 

  1. “Where this is hatred, let me sow love.” -Francis of Assisi Peace Prayer

I recently did a whole blog post on this quote that actually comes from one of my favorite prayers, in particular, has spoken greatly to me. I first reflected on this line about a year ago when I heard it in a homily my favorite priest did at church. It was around the time of the solar eclipse that happened last August as well as the time of big events of racism and white supremacy occurring in the U.S. His homily talked about knowing love in today’s society especially with everything going on with racism, hatred, supremacy, violence etc. He spoke on how it is important to know there is no “them” there is only “us” and how it is up to us all to know and show love and light in times of darkness. He then made an analogy relating the eclipse as the moon reflects the light of the sun when it shines upon the world’s night skies to us as God’s children being the reflections of the light of Christ meant to shine all across the world, but when we are eclipses full of hatred and violence, we block the light of the sun. All in all, it is to say to seek love in times of hatred and light in times of darkness. 

  1. “You are the average of the 5 people you hang out with the most.”

This one comes from an all sorority event that took place on my campus last spring. It’s not super deep and also the event didn’t end up being super great but I liked this quote and put it in my phone because it reminds me to surround myself with people that are exuberant of love, positivity, and energy. 

  1. “The moon is a loyal companion.
    It never leaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wane, sometimes strong and full of light. The moon understands what it means to be human.
    Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections.”

I feel like I saw this one on Pinterest one time—I know super cheesy—but I really enjoyed it as it touches on loyalty. Loyalty is one of the most important qualities I think a companion is to possess. I have been let down in my life by ones who I thought would never leave me. The quote notes that it is ok to change and grow and become different in our relationships, but change does not mean abandon and that is something to distinguish.

  1. “I’m not crazy. My reality is just different than yours.” -Mad Hatter

Since reading Alice in Wonderland many years ago, I have had this one saved. It’s a constant reminder to me to be different, be weird, be authentic, and be me. Authenticity is one of my favorite words in the English dictionary and often I think being a different sort of person authentic to oneself can be confused with the idea of being weird or even crazy. Obviously, I am a huge supporter of being weird—I have the phrase permanently tattooed on my body after all—but even before that tattoo came along, I held these sentiments close to my heart all because of a good ‘ol Disney character, and you know how I love Disney:) 
